Profile Tab

Profile Tab

Most of the fields on this tab can be found in other sections, like the Entry/Exit or Summary Tabs. The Client Record and client photo should be updated from the profile tab. This is to ensure that the canned and SAP BO reports match when generated.

Client Photo: A client photo is not required. If one is added, it must be of the client's face. Any images that are not of the client should be removed by clicking Clear.

click to expand

To update any fields on the Client Record, click the pencil icon:

  • Name: First and last name must be filled out. If you are changing the client's name, please put the previous name in the Alias field.

  • Name Data Quality: This should always be Full Name Reported if you have collected the first and last name. Otherwise, choose an appropriate option (ex: partial, street name, or code name reported).

  • Alias: This field is optional. You can include alternate names here the client may use.

  • Social Security: When you ask clients for their SSN, they are not required to give it. If collected, this field should be completed. Just entering the last 4 digits is also acceptable.

  • SSN Data Quality: This must be filled out for all clients and match what is in the Social Security field (ex: if you only collected the last 4 digits, select Approximate or partial SSN reported).

  • U.S. Military Veteran: Add this information, if available (yes, no, client prefers to not answer/client doesn’t know).

Client Demographics: Please do not edit these fields from the Profile Tab. You should update client demographics in an assessment.
