Deleting a Clients Entry or Exit

Deleting a Clients Entry or Exit

Deleting a Clients Entry or Exit

If you create an Entry/Exit by mistake, please delete it! If you just end date it, it will be pulled into reports.

Deleting an Entry

  • Go to the Entry/Exit Tab on the Head of Household. The Client Count will show you how many clients are in the entry.


  • Clicking on the magnifying glass icon will show you all the clients in the entry. Make a note of who is enrolled, since you will need to delete the entry from each client’s record.


  • To delete the entry, click on the trash can icon. This ONLY deletes it from the client record you are currently viewing.


  • If the Entry needs to be deleted for other clients in the household, click on the Switch to Another Household Member field in the upper-right hand section of the screen. Choose the client you want to move to and click Submit. Then delete the entry for that client on their Entry/Exit tab.


If you need to delete the entry for multiple clients, it must be deleted from the entry/exit tab of every client. If there were services entered that need to be deleted, you will also need to delete them from the record (Service Transaction tab) of every client.