HUD Verification Tables

HUD Verification Tables

There are some assessment questions (Monthly Income, Non-cash Benefits, Health Insurance, Disabilities) that include a HUD Verification table. You may have some or all these tables on your assessments.

When enrolling the client at program entry, you will fill out the HUD Verification table on your entry assessment. The easiest way to do this is to click the blue text that says HUD Verification. You will see a red triangle if the table is incomplete, or a green check mark if it is complete. Either way, you should open the table to make sure all information is current.

Each of these HUD verification tables have a corresponding Y/N question above them that also needs to be answered/ updated to match the data in the HUD verification table.

  1. Answer the question to match the data you will put in the HUD verification table. Options include: Yes, No, Client prefers not to answer, Client doesn’t know.


  2. Click on the HUD Verification text to open the table to update client information.
    This will show you all the types or sources that need to be answered for the selected table. Responses to these types can include Yes, No, and/or client prefers not to answer/ client doesn’t know. If any of the answers are no longer accurate, you will need to end date the old response and create a new one. See the instructions below for more details.

 Filling out an Incomplete Table

An incomplete table will be blank (see screenshot from previous section) and have values in the “Incomplete” column when you open the HUD verification table. These can occur at entry or during an Interim Review.

In the scenario below, I know that my client is only receiving SNAP/food stamp benefits. Therefore, I only have one type of Non-Cash Benefits that should be answered as Yes.

  1. The section at the top of the box lists the answer options. By selecting one of the top values, you can shift all values to that answer with one click.

  2. Once all values are listed as No, then click Yes for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps) (HUD) type.


  3. Once all types are answered Yes or No, click Save & Exit.

You will see the red triangle next to HUD Verification change to a blue circle with a check mark. Before you move on, verify that the question above the table is correct.


 Updating a Completed Verification Table

Remember to consider when and how this data entry move should be done. See below for more details. See also the Disability Assessment Instructions and Income Assessment Instructions sections for details on those tables.

Is this update occurring at program entry with an entry assessment? If so, there may be historical data in the assessment(s) that needs to be corrected.

Is the client already enrolled in your program and you reporting changes that happened after enrollment? If so, you will need to complete this move as an Interim Review.

  1. Click the pencil icon next to the type that needs to be updated.


  2. Add the End Date for the type/value you are updating.

Program Entry Assessment: There is historical data that needs to be corrected for the client’s new program entry assessment.

  1. Scenario: Client has a previous program enrollment from 02/01/2020 where they were receiving SNAP/food stamp benefits. Client is now enrolling for a new program on 09/15/2023 and is no longer receiving SNAP/food stamp benefits.

  2. End Date: Should always be before the Project Start Date of the new program enrollment. E.g., New project start date is 09/15/2023, so End Date of old SNAP/food stamp benefits has to be 09/14/2023 or earlier.

  3. Click Save and Add Another: This allows you to enter a new SNAP/food stamp line. It is not enough to just end the old Yes line – a new No line must be added as well.


  4. A blank Non-Cash Benefits box will open. Notice that the Start Date automatically populates to match the Project Start Date of the client’s entry (09/15/2023). Input the new information. Click Save.


  5. You should now see two lines for whatever type you updated, with dates that do not overlap. Scenario: You can see two SNAP/food stamp benefit lines, with the old data being ended prior to the client’s project start date. At program entry (09/15/2023), the client has no SNAP benefits, and the data now reflects that.


  6. Update the question above the HUD verification table to match the data in the HUD tables (Non-cash benefit from any source = No (HUD))

Interim Review: You are doing an interim review action (a review or an update) because the circumstances of the client/household changed after program enrollment.

  • End Date: The day before the start date of the reported change.

    • E.g., Client started receiving SNAP/food stamps on 10/20/2023, so the End Date for the old SNAP/food stamps type line needs to be 10/19/2023.

  • Click Save and Add Another: This allows you to enter a new SNAP/food stamp line.


  • A new blank Non-Cash Benefits box will open. Notice that the Start Date automatically populates to match the Review Date (10/20/2023). Input the new information. Click Save.


  • You should now see two lines for whatever type you updated, with dates that do not overlap.

    • Scenario: You can see two SNAP/food stamp benefit lines, with the old type line ending the day before the change starts. The data now reflects that the client started receiving SNAP/food stamps while enrolled in your program, on 10/20/2023.


Disability Assessment Instructions

  • Anytime you end date a No disability type line and add a new Yes disability type line, a new pop-up window will appear that asks if the disability is expected to be of long-continued duration. The answer to these two questions, along with the Disability Determination question, should always be yes.

  • Be cautious about end dating Yes responses to enter new No responses. Having a disability is a requirement for many housing projects, and we do not want to disqualify clients from those projects because they chose not to disclose their disabilities to your agency.

  • Sometimes you will have a Yes response for an income type, and while the answer is still Yes, the income amount may have changed. For these scenarios, you need to open that income type by clicking the pencil icon, and make sure the amount is still accurate.


Matching Question(s) to the Table

  • If all Insurance types in the table say no, the Covered by Health Insurance question must say No.

  • If the client receives $500 per month in Income, the Income from Any Source should say Yes, Total Monthly Income should say $500, and the Sources of Income in the verification table that say Yes must add up to $500.


Client Refused or Doesn't Know

If the client refuses to answer or doesn't know the answer to a HUD verification question and the table has already been completed by a provider, leave the question and table alone. If the client refuses to answer and the table and question are incomplete, mark the question as Client Refused and leave the table incomplete.



  • For some verification tables, another popup window will appear that will allow you to add more information about this new type like the total Income amount or more information about the Disability.

  • If end dating the old type did not change your disability to incomplete, there are probably multiple old types open at once. You can click the magnifying glass to the left of the table to see all historical answers for this table and end date the additional open types. 

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