Search for client by their name in the Clients module. If you find the client, click on their name. If they are not found, click Add New Client With This Information, making sure to include the client’s First and Last Name (required for record creation) and any other known information (Gender, Date of birth/age, and Race/Ethnicity. You do not need to verify that this is a legal name.
Check that all household members being served by Street Outreach team are linked under a household. If not, add additional household members now.
Please confer with your HMIS Lead for release of information policies and procedures.
Enroll the client(s) in your street outreach project. Review/Update the Entry Assessment based on information received during contact(s) or observation(s), as needed. There may be questions on the entry that you cannot answer yet. It is ok to leave these blank on outreach projects until the client is engaged.
On the date of entry, you must fill out:
Project Start Date – Date of first contact with the client
Current Living Situation – should be a homeless situation
All other information provided by the client at first contact (see HMIS data elements on pg. 7).
A new Current Living Situation should be entered for every contact had with the client via an Interim Review covered in section 6 Duration of Program Enrollment below.
After the date of entry, as information is gathered over time from the client, the HMIS record needs to be updated:
Current Living Situation – updated with every contact made through an interim review.
Any missing information fields not previously collected at project start
Date of Engagement - If not already engaged at project start
Once the date of engagement is entered in HMIS, all required entry assessment fields must be completed by updating the entry assessment.
All entry assessment questions (living situation, income, non-cash benefits, insurance, disability) should reflect the client's situation as of their date of entry.
Case Management tab – add client’s case manager
Case Plans tab – upload files relating to clients’ case management if necessary per CoC’s policies
Interims – record updates/changes in a client’s information throughout their program enrollment.
Additional Current Living Situations, for each contact with the client to be counted.
Go to the client’s record in the Clients module
Under the Entry/Exit tab, go to the list of Entry/Exits
On the client’s active Street Outreach entry, click on the Interim icon
In the Interim Reviews pop-up screen, click on Add Interim Review button
Select the Review Type of “Update” and Date of Review as the date of contact, then click Save & Continue
Current Living Situation (if you need to update it) is towards the bottom of the assessment. Click Add and enter the start date, information date, current living situation, and end date. The start date, information date, and end date should all be the same.
Update any other information that has changed since the entry date (income, disabilities, domestic violence, etc.)
For any items in a HUD verification table, remember to end date the old record one day before the interim review date and add a new record. See instructions on HUD Verification Tables for full details.
If your CoC requires service tracking, a service transaction should be recorded every time you encounter the client. The services you need to record will vary depending on your project and/or CoC policy. If no specific service was provided at the time of contact, you can record it as Case/Care Management.
To create a service transaction:
Click on the Services Transactions tab and then Add Service
Select your project as the service provider, then enter the date of the service and the Service Type. Then click Save & Continue
You can add any service notes and follow-up information on the next page. You can fill out the Need Information at the bottom of the page, then click Save & Exit when you are finished.
Clients are to be exited from the Street Outreach program when they are housed, stop receiving services, or are not in contact with Street Outreach. HUD recommends exiting clients who go 90 days without contact, but please refer to your CoC policy for the time frame for no contact exits.
Select all household members exiting the project.
Select the "Reason for Leaving" and "Destination" that best reflects the client’s situation.
No contact? -> Exit to Unknown/Disappeared and No Exit Interview Completed unless you see other information in their Entry/Exits that indicate where they are now.
Update the Exit Assessment with any information not collected at Entry, if needed.
Complete a CES Event if necessary (per HUD: ESG requirements)