HMIS Visibility Management

HMIS Visibility Management

The OMC HMIS data visibility is CoC-wide. What this means is that the client record is shared between agencies in the same CoC and no further. If sharing occurs outside of the CoC (with another CoC/agency), then that scenario is negotiated and managed with a data sharing agreement between the CoCs involved. Due to the system automatically sharing data between member agencies, there are steps that the OMC HMIS administrator or HMIS Lead needs to take to restrict data sharing when requested by the client. The ROI tab does not manage data sharing for the OMC HMIS system.

Limited Visibility Requests

Limited visibility refers to when the client is giving permission for minimal demographic information to be shared but wants to restrict program and shelter data to specific agencies. For example, a client is receiving services from ABC Agency, and wants to restrict that program and service data to just be viewable by users at ABC Agency.

The data that is still shared at the CoC-level is:

Example of Client Level Data Shared in HMIS
  • Name

  • Date of Birth

  • Race and Ethnicity

  • Gender

  • Social Security Number

  • U.S. Military Veteran

Who can do this move?

  • ‘Agency Admin’ user at the provider who has received the limited visibility request (e.g. agency admin at ACCESS receives client request to not share ACCESS data with other OR-502 agencies).

  • ‘System Admin’ user who can shadow an ‘agency admin’ account at the provider where the request was received.

 Limited Visibility Process

  1. Open the client record in Clients (ClientPoint)

  2. Check to see where the client has data on their record. Any Entry/Exits, Service Transactions, or Shelter Stays will need to be restricted individually.

  3. Entry/Exits:

    1. Click on the pencil to edit the entry/exit provider and continue to the assessment page.

      Edit Using the Pencil
    2. On the assessment page, there are 2 locks that need to be modified. The Household Members lock and the Assessment lock.

    3. Click on each lock to modify the provider visibility. Add the provider(s) that the information needs to be limited to and remove all other visibility groups. Make sure to choose the provider that has ‘Children Included’ in the name and the ‘Future and Historical Answers’ option for the assessment visibility.

    4. Once updated, save & exit out of the entry/exit assessment. Repeat these steps with each entry/exit that the agency needs to restrict.

  4. Service Transactions

    1. To limit visibility on service transactions, navigate to the “Service Transactions” tab, then the “Entire Service History” tab.

    2. Click on the pencil next to the Need associated to the service transaction.

    3. On the ‘Edit Need’ page, click on the lock at the top of the page.

    4. Add the provider(s) that the information needs to be limited to and remove all other visibility groups. Make sure to choose the provider that has ‘Children Included’ in the name.

    5. Click Save & Exit. Repeat for each service transaction that needs to be restricted.

  5. Shelter Stays

    1. To limit visibility on Shelter Stays, navigate to the “Service Transactions” tab, then the “Entire Service History” tab.

    2. Click on the pencil next to the Need associated to the Shelter Stay.

    3. On the ‘Edit Need’ page, click on the lock at the top of the page.

    4. Add the provider(s) that the information needs to be limited to and remove all other visibility groups. Make sure to choose the provider that has ‘Children Included’ in the name.

    5. Click Save & Exit. Repeat for each shelter stay that needs to be restricted.

Every time a new entry/exit, service transaction or shelter stay is added to the client’s record, these steps will need to be repeated for the new addition.

Restricted Visibility Requests

Fully restricted visibility requests are when the client does not want to share their information with any other agency in the system. This process completely removes visibility of the entire client record for all agencies except for the agency that receives this request. For example, if ABC agency receives a request to not share a client’s record, they will restrict the client’s record completely to ABC Agency. All other agencies in the system will not be able to search for the record.

Who can do this move?

  • ‘System Admin’ users

Restricted Visibility Requests Process

  1. Open the client record in Clients (ClientPoint)

  2. Click on the client lock located in the upper right-hand corner of the client page.

  3. Add the provider(s) that have permission to access the client record and remove all other visibility groups. Make sure to include the providers that have “Children Included” in the name.

  4. Click Exit.

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