Shelters for Multiple Household Members

Shelters for Multiple Household Members

Before checking in multiple household members, please search for the client in Clients and make sure that all the household members you want to check in are listed in the household. You will not be able to check them in if the household composition is not correct.

Follow the Check-In and Entry Assessment workflow listed above to check the head of household in and include the other household members on the same entry.

Then fill out the entry assessment for the head of household. Once the entry assessment has been completed, click Save & Exit and then navigate to ClientPoint to complete the assessment for the other household member(s). There are a few ways you can complete this next step, so use whatever method works best for you:

  • Copy/paste the client ID for one of the household members and search for them in ClientPoint. Then click the pencil icon next to their ‘Project Start Date’ on the entry/exit provider to start editing the assessment, OR

  • Click on the client's name in your Unit List. Scroll to the bottom of the assessment and click Jump to Profile (see below). Then click the pencil icon next to their ‘Project Start Date’ and start editing, OR

  • Click on the client's name in your Unit List. Click the Entry/Exit tab at the top of the screen and click the pencil icon next to the ‘Project Start Date’ to start editing. 


All household members on your entry will be listed on the left side of the screen. Make sure to click on each household member’s name and ensure all questions have been answered/updated for all clients. Click Save & Exit when you are finished.