Follow-up Assessments (6- and 12-month reviews)
Different programs and funds will have different requirements for when to do a follow-up or if a follow-up is needed. Please refer to your agency’s requirements for when and if to conduct them.
Generally, follow-ups are recorded for clients (Head of Households) who exited any ES, TH, RRH, PSH, HP project into Permanent Housing.
How to Create a Follow Up Assessment (6-Month Review or Annual Follow up)
Contact the Household and collect the housing status for the 6- or 12-month exit anniversary date.
Go to the Head of Household's record in Clients. Click on the Entry/Exit tab
Click on the Follow Ups icon (hint: you will only be able to create a Follow-up if the client has an Exit Date recorded).
A pop-up menu will appear. Click on the Add Follow Up Review button.
Select 6-month Review if this is 6-months after exit, or Annual Assessment if it is 12-months after exit. Even if it occurred a few days before or after the official anniversary, please record the Review Date as exactly 6-months or 12-months after the exit. Click Save & Continue.
Answer the questions in the assessment and then click Save & Exit. Example below.
You will see the number of Follow Ups that have been completed on the Follow Ups icon.