The Entry/ Exit Tab: Enrolling and Exiting Clients

The Entry/ Exit Tab: Enrolling and Exiting Clients

An entry enrollment must be created and completed before you record anything else (service transactions, interim reviews, etc.) for the client. When you enroll clients, please remember to include all household members who should be enrolled and make sure that every assessment question is updated/filled out for every person on the entry.

Viewing Enrollment History

You can view enrollment history in two places: the Summary tab and the Entry/ Exit tab.


You can use this information to learn more about your client and their participation in other programs. The Project Start Date will show you when they were enrolled in the project, and the Exit Date is when they left. If there is no Exit Date, the client is still enrolled in that project.


In general, HMIS Leads use this naming convention for their project providers (but they can also use other formats):

  • Agency (can also be an acronym)

  • Program name OR Funding source

  • Project Type (ES, HP, RRH, etc…)

  • SHELTERPOINT (if using Shelters Module)

  • Provider ID Number (XXXX)

Some examples from the training site are below:

  1. Click Add Entry/Exit to create a new entry assessment.

  1. Make sure you select all clients in the household who are being enrolled in the entry. Then select the specific program as the provider and the type. If you do not know the type for your program, ask your supervisor or HMIS Lead. This value can also be changed on the next screen if needed.

  1. Enter the Project Start Date and click Save & Continue.

  2. The next screen should show your assessment questions. If you see a message that says “No Assessment has been specified for this Provider” instead of questions, do not close the entry! This means that you selected the incorrect type for the provider. Scroll to the top of the entry, choose the correct Type, and click Update. If you do not know your assessment type, you may have to try a few different types until an assessment loads.

  1. On the left side of the screen, you will see that one client’s name is highlighted in blue. All the questions that you fill out on the assessment will be answered for the blue highlighted client. Then you will need to scroll back to the top of the screen, select the next client and answer questions for them. Repeat this process for all household members on the entry.

  1. You can answer some of the questions that apply to all clients at the same time by clicking the Add Household Data button in the top right of the screen.

  2. Once all assessment data is entered, click Save & Exit.

The colored bar next to each assessment question indicates how old the response is. Colors range from bright green (very new) to red (old). Regardless of the color of the bar, you must always ask the client all questions in your entry assessment. These responses have rolled forward from previous assessments, and it is your responsibility to confirm whether they are still accurate, or to update the response if it has changed.

The guidelines for when a client should exit your program vary based on project type and requirements. Some agencies may exit clients when they are no longer receiving a service, or if they have not been in contact with the project for a given number of days.

  1. When you are ready to exit a client or a household, click the pencil icon next to the empty exit date of the program in question. 

  1. Make sure to exit all relevant household members, as well as fill in the Exit Date, Reason for Leaving, and Destination.

  1. Exit Date: This varies based on project type. Please make sure the exit date is dated after the last service transaction.

  2. Reason for Leaving: Be as accurate as possible and do not select any of the options that end with (HOPWA Only). If you select Other, please give more information in the field underneath.

  3. Destination: This can be entered based on client self-report, or HMIS activity you see in the client’s entry/exits. If you select Other, please give more information in the field underneath.

  4. Once all questions are complete, click Save & Continue.