Interim Reviews

Interim Reviews

Interim Reviews are used to record any information that has changed since the entry assessment. Some projects are required to record these quarterly or annually, while others record one every time they meet with the client (street outreach contacts) or when they find out information has changed.

Whether it is a Quarterly Review, Annual Review, or just an Update, all Interims are recorded the same way.

 Recording an Interim Review

  1. Go to the Head of Household's record in Clients and click on the Entry/Exit tab

  2. One of the columns in this section says Interims. Click on the icon for your project entry.

    Click on the above icon for Project Entry

  3. A pop-up window will appear that shows all previous Interims (if any). Click Add Interim Review.

    Click Add Interim Review
  4. Make sure all clients in the entry are selected on this screen. Then you will need to select an Interim Review Type.

    1. If you are recording an Annual Review or other review based on anniversary date, select the Review Type that applies to you (see screenshot below for full list).

    2. Otherwise, select Update.


      1. The Review Date should be the date you met with the client unless it is an Annual Assessment.

        1. Annual Assessments are always dated the anniversary date of the Project Start Date, even if you conducted the assessment on a different day. If it’s not dated on the anniversary, SAP BO reports will not pick up the annual assessment and list it as not completed.

    3. Then click Save & Continue.

  5. You will see a list of assessment questions. 

    1. Make sure you review each question and update it if the information has changed! 

      1. If the original response is still accurate, you do not need to make any changes to that question.

        1. Remember that you should not use the HUD verification button (below) to update the HUD Verification tables.

          1. Instead, you will need to end date the out-of-date responses and create new ones.


    2. Once you have reviewed all assessment questions for all household membersclick Save & Exit.

    3. You will see the number of Interims completed on the Interims icon.

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