Adding Multiple Service Transactions

Adding Multiple Service Transactions

You can click Add Multiple Services to record multiple service transactions at the same time for a client. You can access this option on the Service Transaction Dashboard when you first navigate to the Service Transactions tab.


Or click Add Multiple Services in the Services tab.


Select all clients who will be included on these transactions, and then change the Service Provider to match the entry/exit provider the client(s) are enrolled in. The Service Provider is NEVER the admin agency.

Your provider may auto-populate specific services depending on the settings. Scroll through the list and complete each service using the same process as a single transaction. Please note that the Number of Services is not the same as Number of Units. Number of Services is the number of transactions for the client (usually 1).

If you did not provide a particular service for a client, you can click Remove to delete that service from the list. You can also set the Number of Services and Need Status for all services at the top of the Service List (see screenshot above).

If you need to add services, or your provider does not populate a list automatically, you can add more services by clicking Add Another at the bottom of the screen.

Once all services are filled out, click Save & Exit. The services will then appear in the client’s Services tab.