Voiding and Deleting Service Transactions

Voiding and Deleting Service Transactions

You may need to void a transaction if you accidentally billed the wrong fund or entered the wrong amount. Even if multiple household members are included on the transaction, it only needs to be voided once

Transactions that have a fund attached will need to be voided before they can be deleted.

How to Void a Service Transaction

  1. Locate the transaction that needs to be deleted and click the pencil edit icon.

  1. Scroll down until you find the Funding Sources section. You will need to click the triangle next to Apply Funds for Service to expand this section.


  2. Once you have found the funding source that needs to be voided, click the triangle next to the fund and click the Void button that appears next to the amount.

If the Void button does not appear, your user settings may not allow you to void transactions. Contact your HMIS Lead for more details.


  1. Select a reason for voiding the transaction. Choose the option that is the best fit and then click Continue.

  2. A strikethrough will appear on the amount, and it will say “Voided” next to the amount field.

  3. You can now click Add Funding Source to add another fund amount or Save & Exit.

How to Delete a Service Transaction

Transactions with a fund source attached will need to be voided before they can be deleted for all clients on the transaction. If you try to delete before voiding, you will see this warning message:


  1. When viewing the client's transactions, click on the Entire Service History tab.

  2. This will show you all service transactions. Each will have a Need (this was created automatically when you created the Service) and a Service. Click the trash can next to the Need to delete both the need and the service at the same time.

    If you click the trash can icon next to the service first, the need will remain in the system

This deletes the transaction for the client whose profile you are on. You will need to repeat this process for every additional household member listed on the transaction.